Tuesday 9 January 2018


Many of us have a view of God as this magnificent being in the heavens, pure and far removed from the earth, sordid as it is. Yes, God is magnificent, He dwells in the heavens and He is pure. But He is also everywhere and He is with each of us, His children, because He chooses to be.

God is near us, He is with us, and He knows every detail of our lives. One of the first signs that someone knows another is if they know his or her name. Well, believe it, my dear: God knows your name. He knows your first name and your surname. He even knows your middle name and your nickname (if you have any of those).

Friend, you're not a stranger to God. He knows you by name. That also means He will not forget you when He is sharing blessings to His children. We just came out of the Christmas season. Gifts were packaged and labelled in families so that each person could identify the gift/s specially chosen for Him or her.

That is how God specially prepares what He has for you and puts your name on it. Don't fret if things seem slow or scattered. God Has plotted your path and has placed what you need at appropriate points along the way. Each package has your name on it and will serve just the right purpose in your life.

See yourself like Moses to whom God made the following statement:

"... I will do this thing also that thou hast spoken: for thou hast found grace in my sight, and I know thee by name." - Exodus 33:17 

Moses had begged God to go with the children of Israel as they travelled to the promised land although they had been repeatedly disobedient to His commands. And God said He would do it because Moses had found favour in His sight and He knew him by name.

How do we find favour in God's sight today and ensure that He acknowledges us by name? By receiving His Son, Jesus, of whom He declared during His time on earth:

"Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." - Mark 1:11

Receiving Jesus makes us children of God.

"But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name"- John 1:12.

Then God our Father will know and call us by name and answer when we call on Him.

Amen in Jesus' name.

The scriptures used in this post are from the King James Version of the Holy Bible.

If you have not accepted Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, pray this short prayer:

Almighty God, I repent of my sins and ask you to forgive me. I receive the work Jesus did for me by shedding His blood for my sins. Write my name in the Lamb's Book of Life and send your Spirit to live in my heart and teach me your word. I receive the grace to live a life that honours you henceforth in Jesus' name. Amen.

Now, you are born again. Join a Bible-believing group of believers to help you learn, through studying the word of God and prayer, how to live and practise your faith. You are blessed in Jesus' name.


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1 comment:

  1. So He knows me by my name, so happy to be aware of this kind of assurance. Thank you Jesus
